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YEK ROOZ -   یک روز
Sonbol Taefi

YEK ROOZ - یک روز

Words written by Mahvash Sabet Music composed by Farahsheed Golbarani Produced by Stephen Small Translation of the words: Title : One day A day to see you once more A day to be with you once more From night till dawn, calm as a child Upon your breast, I can sleep once more. A day to weep with an anguished heart A day to sit and think of you I find a quiet spot to look on your kind face A photograph, hidden in the pages of a book. One day, one day, one day A day when I am despairing and hopeless Bereft and broken by the distance from you Sleepless, restless and alone Goodbye to patience, I stand with courage again. A day when drowning in thoughts of you I whisper my songs to the dawn I hold the soft strands of rain, my warm tears And weave a string of pearls. One day, one day, one day A day when all hopes of freedom Vanish like a reflection on the water It is mystery, the work of destiny My longing for you is the test and the torture. A day when the curtain falls upon This theatre of life and its games That life-giving star will come to my door And quench my thirst with its water of life. With a loud cry, with a loud cry, with a loud cry Someone will come through this door And herald glad tidings of freedom But I cannot hear, through the commotion and cheer It does not reach me, the happy verdict (freedom). That day, this door will be wide open The lock, the cage, they will be no more I will be in the warmth of your embrace You a stream of water and I the parched pilgrim. That day I will see you once more That day I will be with you once more From night till dawn, calm as a child Upon your breast, I can sleep once more.
نماهنگ - یک روز

نماهنگ - یک روز

شعری از مهوش ثابت با اجرای سنبل طائفی – آهنگ و تنظیم از فرهشید گلبارانی. #داستان_ما_یکیست #ourstoryisone یک روز تو را دوباره می‌بینم یک روز ترا دوباره می‌یابم شب تا به سحر چو کودکی آرام بر سینه تو دوباره می‌خوابم یک روز که دل گرفته می‌گریم در گوشه خلوتی به یاد تو یک روز که عکس مهربانت را در غربت یک کتاب می‌بینم یک روز که ناامید و دلتنگم، آزرده دل و شکسته از دوری بی‌خوابم و بی‌تحمل و تنها، از دست نهاده صبر و پا یابم یک روز که غرقه در خیال تو، در گوش سحر ترانه می‌خوانم گیسوی بلند و نرم باران را با گوهر اشک گرم می‌تابم یک روز که انتظار آزادی، چون نقش بر آب رفته از یادم از گردش روزگار حیرانم، از هجر تو بی‌قرار و بی‌تابم آن روز که باز چرخ بازیگر، بر هم زند این حساب بازی را آن اختر سعد در رسد از در، از آب حیات کرده سیرابم فریادزنان کسی ز ره آید تا مژده دهد مرا به آزادی از همهمه‌ها نمی‌توانم تا از حکم رسیده هیچ دریابم آن روز گشوده می‌شود این در از قفل و قفس نشان نمی‌ماند می‌آیم و در پناه آغوشت چون تشنه کنار چشمه آبم آن روز تو را دوباره می‌بینم آن روز تو را دوباره می‌یابم شب تا به سحر چو کودکی آرام بر سینه تو دوباره می‌خوابم لینک ویدیو در وبسایت: وبسایت عضو کانال یوتیوب شوید: شبکه‌های اجتماعی هدف PersianBMS: هدف اصلی این رسانه ارائه اطلاعات صحیح و دقیق درباره اصول اعتقادى و باورهاى آئین بهائی، رفع سوء تفاهمات موجود در مورد این آئین، و تحکیم پایه‌هاى مهر و دوستى میان ایرانیان و فارسی زبانان سراسر جهان است.
Sonbol Taefi - Elika Mahony - Make Haste to Love
Sonbol Taefi

Sonbol Taefi - Elika Mahony - Make Haste to Love

From the album title 'Coral and Pearls', and featuring Elika Mahony, this song is a plea for healing of the multitudes of ailments affecting our world. The words were inspired by the following excerpt from the Writings of Abdul-Baha: “O my Lord, my Defender, my Help in peril! Lowly do I entreat Thee, ailing do I come unto Thee to be healed, humbly do I cry out to Thee with my tongue, my soul, my spirit: O God, my God! The gloom of night hath shrouded every region, and all the earth is shut away behind thick clouds. The peoples of the world are sunk in the black depths of vain illusions, while their tyrants wallow in cruelty and hate. I see nothing but the glare of searing fires that blaze upward from the nethermost abyss, I hear nothing save the thunderous roar that belloweth out from thousands upon thousands of fiery weapons of assault, while every land is crying aloud in its secret tongue: “My riches avail me nothing, and my sovereignty hath perished!” O my Lord, the lamps of guidance have gone out. The flames of passion are mounting high, and malevolence is ever gaining on the world. Malice and hate have overspread the face of the whole earth, and I find no souls except Thine own oppressed small band who are raising up this cry: Make haste to love! Make haste to trust! Make haste to give! To guidance come!” Composed and arranged by Stephen Small Vocals: Sonbol Taefi and Elika Mahony Strings: Jess Hindin, Mahuia Bridgman-Cooper, Joe Harrop, David Garner Guitars: Simon Gooding Bass: Mike Hall Backing Vocals: Rebecca Wright, Paul Lisi, Gail Tipene, Sharon Emirali Saylene Tanielu-Ulberg, Paul Voight Words: O Lord my Defender lo do I entreat I come to Thee for healing and I cry out to Thee Help me in my peril, humbly do I cry My riches avail me nothing and my sovereignty has died O Lord my Defender The lamps of guidance have gone out The flames of passion are burning high and malevolence abounds Hatred has overspread the face of earth and sky And I find no one except Thyself who is raising up this cry Make haste to love, make haste to trust Make haste to love, to give to guidance come Make haste to love, make haste to trust Make haste to love, to give, to guidance come Oh the nearer you are to the light, the further you are from the darkness Oh, the nearer you are to heaven, the further you are from the earth Oh, the nearer you are to God, the further you are from the world O Lord my Defender lo do I entreat I come to Thee for healing and I cry out to Thee Help me in my peril, humbly do I cry I find no one except Thyself to be raising up this cry Make haste to love, make haste to trust Make haste to love, to give to guidance come Make haste to love, make haste to trust Make haste to love, to give, to guidance come
His Footsteps - Instrumental with words
Sonbol Taefi

His Footsteps - Instrumental with words

This is an instrumental version of the song: His Footsteps-Abdu'l-Baha. This song was created through collaboration of a number of individuals in New Zealand for the commemoration of the centenary of the passing of Abdu'l-Bahá, who is one of the Central Figures of the Bahá'i Faith. For more information about Abdu'l-Bahá or the Bahái Faith please visit Some of the images and photographs included in this video are subject to “Copyright © Bahá’í International Community. Music and words: Emily Peng, Nisyola Fifita, Sonbol Taefi, Saia Tu'itahi, Melisa Gomez and Grant Hindin Miller Arrangements: Stephen Small Guitars: Rob Galley, Bass: Babak Ivoghlian Words: Your life, your story, your sacrifice Your love, your devotion, your smiling eyes Your example shines so bright Your example is my guiding light If I could live your life, if I could share your story, if I could feel your sacrifice If I could learn to love, with pure devotion, If I could see through your eyes Your example is my guiding light You gave your all to serve mankind You are the Mystery I ponder every day You gave us all the strength to step out of the shade I want to walk in your footsteps I want to walk in your way You show me the path, I pray I take it, day by day We will see no strangers, see them all as friends, turn away from otherness In this wondrous age, we’ll gather all the people, to the world of oneness Your example shines so bright, You gave your all to serve mankind You are the mystery I ponder every day You gave us all the strength to step out of the shade I want to walk in your footsteps I want to walk in your way You show me the path, I’m gonna take it - day by day To travel the world in the utmost poverty Raising the call of His Glorious Name That was your longing that you gave to me I just have to raise my own capacity Now is the time to raise high The banner of unity Intone the verses, verses of friendship Grace of God is one, the Grace of God is one You are the mystery I ponder every day You are the mystery Abdu’l-Baha
His Footsteps - Abdu'l-Baha
Sonbol Taefi

His Footsteps - Abdu'l-Baha

This song was created through collaboration of a number of individuals in New Zealand for the commemoration of the centenary of the passing of Abdu'l-Bahá, who is one of the Central Figures of the Bahá'i Faith. For more information about Abdu'l-Bahá or the Bahái Faith please visit Some of the images and photographs included in this video are subject to “Copyright © Bahá’í International Community. Music and words: Emily Peng, Nisyola Fifita, Sonbol Taefi, Saia Tuitahi, Melisa Gomez and Grant Hindin Miller Arrangements: Stephen Small Guitars: Rob Galley, Bass: Babak Ivoghlian Voices: Sharon Emirali, Jamie Vokes, Sonbol Taefi, Gloria Akhtarjahan, Tahila Tuitahi, Nadia Tuitahi, Kaveh Aminzadeh, Homayoun Reza, Emily Peng, Nisyola Fifita, Amelia Samandari, Juliet Samandari, Portia Rose Lewis, Melisa Gomez, Ayla Wheatley, Rohan Wheatley, Shania Poliko, Lua Ivoghlian, Elika Ivoghlian, Kris Zemke, Saia Tuitahi, Amani Tuitahi, Adira, Grimaldo, Jordan, Mojdeh Akhtarjahan, Steve Lockie Words: Your life, your story, your sacrifice Your love, your devotion, your smiling eyes Your example shines so bright Your example is my guiding light If I could live your life, if I could share your story, if I could feel your sacrifice If I could learn to love, with pure devotion, If I could see through your eyes Your example is my guiding light You gave your all to serve mankind You are the Mystery I ponder every day You gave us all the strength to step out of the shade I want to walk in your footsteps I want to walk in your way You show me the path, I pray I take it, day by day We will see no strangers, see them all as friends, turn away from otherness In this wondrous age, we’ll gather all the people, to the world of oneness Your example shines so bright, You gave your all to serve mankind You are the mystery I ponder every day You gave us all the strength to step out of the shade I want to walk in your footsteps I want to walk in your way You show me the path, I’m gonna take it - day by day To travel the world in the utmost poverty Raising the call of His Glorious Name That was your longing that you gave to me I just have to raise my own capacity Now is the time to raise high The banner of unity Intone the verses, verses of friendship Grace of God is one, the Grace of God is one You are the mystery I ponder every day You are the mystery Abdu’l-Baha
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